Sunshine Greenhouse Kit Blog

muppet lady starting plants in her greenhouse

Starting Seeds In Your Greenhouse

The spring season is just a few weeks away, and maybe even closer for some of you that live in the warmest growing zones and I think we are all...

Starting Seeds In Your Greenhouse

The spring season is just a few weeks away, and maybe even closer for some of you that live in the warmest growing zones and I think we are all...

winter sun in your greenhouse

Winter Sun and the Greenhouse

Where I live during the cold months of December and January the hours are limited for sun where others who might live a little more to the south would receive...

Winter Sun and the Greenhouse

Where I live during the cold months of December and January the hours are limited for sun where others who might live a little more to the south would receive...

upkeep in the greenhouse

Greenhouse Up-keep

Now that you are a proud owner of your own greenhouse, you may want to learn a little bit more about the upkeep of your greenhouse. Simply put, there is...

Greenhouse Up-keep

Now that you are a proud owner of your own greenhouse, you may want to learn a little bit more about the upkeep of your greenhouse. Simply put, there is...

Dealing with snow on your greenhouse.

Dealing with snow on your greenhouse.

Are you a gardener or greenhouse owner dealing with snow this winter? Protecting your plants from the elements can be challenging, but don't worry – we have some tips to...

Dealing with snow on your greenhouse.

Are you a gardener or greenhouse owner dealing with snow this winter? Protecting your plants from the elements can be challenging, but don't worry – we have some tips to...

lean to attached greenhouse

The Attached Greenhouse Climate

Attached greenhouses are literally attached to your home, garage or to a shed. There are many advantages to having an attached greenhouse such as the sharing of the heat and...

The Attached Greenhouse Climate

Attached greenhouses are literally attached to your home, garage or to a shed. There are many advantages to having an attached greenhouse such as the sharing of the heat and...

large greenhouse growing sunflowers

Southern Greenhouses

There is not much written on the winter gardening for the southern gardener so I thought I would do a little research and provide a few ideas, thoughts and activities...

Southern Greenhouses

There is not much written on the winter gardening for the southern gardener so I thought I would do a little research and provide a few ideas, thoughts and activities...