Sunshine Greenhouse Kit Blog

Plants that naturally attract beneficial insects to your greenhouse

Plants that naturally attract beneficial insect...

Are you tired of pesky insects munching away at your precious plants in your greenhouse? Are you reluctant to use harmful pesticides that can harm the bugs and the environment?...

Plants that naturally attract beneficial insect...

Are you tired of pesky insects munching away at your precious plants in your greenhouse? Are you reluctant to use harmful pesticides that can harm the bugs and the environment?...

Determining the best location for your backyard greenhouse.

Determining the best location for your backyard...

Having a backyard greenhouse can be a game-changer if you've decided to delve into gardening or farming. It allows you to control the growing conditions of your plants, so you...

Determining the best location for your backyard...

Having a backyard greenhouse can be a game-changer if you've decided to delve into gardening or farming. It allows you to control the growing conditions of your plants, so you...

Deadheading - pinching off your greenhouse plants

Deadheading - pinching off your greenhouse plants

Are you looking to give your greenhouse plants a new lease on life and the tender, loving care they deserve? Look no further because this blog post will dive into the...

Deadheading - pinching off your greenhouse plants

Are you looking to give your greenhouse plants a new lease on life and the tender, loving care they deserve? Look no further because this blog post will dive into the...

Beneficial insects inside your greenhouse

Beneficial insects inside your greenhouse

Have you ever found yourself bent over, peering closely at your greenhouse plants, only to discover a creepy-crawly insect population thriving in your botanical haven? Your first impulse might be...

Beneficial insects inside your greenhouse

Have you ever found yourself bent over, peering closely at your greenhouse plants, only to discover a creepy-crawly insect population thriving in your botanical haven? Your first impulse might be...

How you are going to use your Greenhouse determines the size Greenhouse Kit that you need.

How you are going to use your Greenhouse determ...

Greenhouses are a fantastic way to extend your growing season, protect your plants from harsh weather and pests, and provide a space for year-round gardening. But before you can start...

How you are going to use your Greenhouse determ...

Greenhouses are a fantastic way to extend your growing season, protect your plants from harsh weather and pests, and provide a space for year-round gardening. But before you can start...

plants in your sunshine gardenhouse

Plants In The Solar Greenhouse

Many greenhouses are solar heated and runs much cooler in the winter months when heat is not supplemented. There are many types of cool loving plants that will survive the...

Plants In The Solar Greenhouse

Many greenhouses are solar heated and runs much cooler in the winter months when heat is not supplemented. There are many types of cool loving plants that will survive the...